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    时间:2020-07-23 08:06:58 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站



      作者 葛文山



     公开课是推陈出新的平台,每一节课应该有自己的亮点,有值得“公开”的内容和价值。下面就以2011年苏州市初中英语教师评优课第一名的公开课为案例,探索如何在阅读教学设计中取得突破。本节课的阅读材料是《江苏牛津初中英语》八年级下第五单元中的课文An interview with an ORBIS doctor(一次对国际奥比斯组织医生的采访),全文见附录。



     Tell me and I'll forget;


     Show me and I may remember;


     Involve me and I'll understand.”





     第一种学习方式Lecture就是我们传统的讲授法,老师在上面讲,学生在下面听,学习效果却是最低的,两周以后学习的内容只能留下5%;而效率最好的学习方式是第六种Practice by doing(做中学)和第七种Teaching others(实际演练),可以记住75%以上的学习内容(见下表)。

     序号 学习方式 平均学习

     保持率 属性 1 Lecture

     (讲授法) 5% 个人学习


     被动学习 2 Reading

     (阅读) 10% 3 Audio Visual

     (视听) 20% 4 Demonstration

     (示范或演示) 30% 5 Discussion Group

     (小组讨论) 50% 团队学习


     主动学习 6 Practice by doing

     (做中学) 75% 7 Teaching others

     (应用或教别人) 90% Practice by doing(做中学)指的就是任务型教学模式,让学生带着明确的任务目标,在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流与合作的能力,从而提高综合语言运用能力。





     这种固步自封,不敢越雷池半步的做法,造成阅读课教学环节雷同的现象非常严重,简直就是一个模子里刻出来的,都是导入活动(lead-in)、扫读(scanning)、略读(skimming)、细读(careful reading)、深度阅读(further reading)、拓展(extensions)等几个固定环节。难怪英语老师们说,这种“千人一面”的公开课,根本就没有公开的价值和内容;阅读教学公开课已经变成了“八股文”,都不愿意去听。



     ⑵增加阅读策略(reading strategies)指导。本节课阅读材料是英文采访稿,对学生来说,有一点陌生。所以本节课的教学设计增加了针对性地知道学生运用阅读技巧,并就文章的语言特色、行文风格、文体等方面进行分析,介绍阅读方法,帮助学生更好地理解文章,提高阅读能力。

     ⑶增加批判性阅读(critical reading)。批判性阅读必须以独立思考为基础。没有独立思考,没有创新意识,就没有自己独特的观点。本节公开课尝试着从阅读材料中选出一些有争议、有代表性的观点,让学生发表自己的看法,并陈述理由。这是一个开发性的任务,有助于培养学生思维的广阔性,灵活性和深刻性。

     调整后的局部环节都服务于本节课的总目标:Being an efficient reader(成为一个有效的阅读者)(见下表)。

     Being an efficient reader

     (做一个有效的阅读者) Being a keen reader

     (做一个热切的读者) 话题导入 Being a smart reader

     (做一个聪明的读者) 阅读策略 Being a sharp reader

     (做一个敏锐的读者) 主要事实 Being a critical reader

     (做一个有主见的读者) 批判性阅读 Being a cross-cultural reader

     (做一个跨文化的读者) 拓展延伸 三、塑身阅读阶段







     考虑到这些因素,我们对本节公开课的开始做了时间限制,读前的活动点到为止,大约用了5分钟,导入了文章的话题、interview(面试)的形式和几个影响阅读理解的关键词汇。在这一阅读公开课上,教师引导学生把大量时间和精力放在“阅读中”,做足了文章,所以读后的拓展活动(being a cross-cultural reader)才显得水到渠成,在本节课最后的5分钟里,学生蓄势待发,纷纷举手踊跃发言,让人难以相信这是发生老师和学生是第一次接触的接班上课的课堂之上。




     课堂,不是一些教学活动和任务的杂乱无章的堆积,它需要一个贯穿始终的线索。明晰的线索有利于学生对阅读材料中的信息进行有效的加工、处理和提取。在本节课的教学设计中,我们梳理出形式和话题两个主要线索:⑴形式主线索是,提问和回答问题(Asking and answering questions),本文是一篇采访稿,由6组问题和回答组成。⑵话题主线索是,在初中阶段,当学生被要求用英语来介绍一个国际性慈善组织时,应该包括该组织的成立缘由、运行方式、受助者的反应、大众参与方式等几个主要方面的内容。



     在英语阅读教学中,教师常使用的阅读任务包括:回答问题、正误判断(True or False)、猜测词义、多项选择(Multiple choice)、中英互译等。这些传统阅读任务只局限于检测学生阅读理解的结果,根本不关心学生的阅读理解过程。


     课文是信息的载体,纯粹文本形式呈现的信息往往头绪繁杂,会增加记忆的负担。因此,教师可利用信息转换手段(Transition Devices),帮助学生把文字形式的阅读篇章内容转换成另一种形式,利于信息的加工和保存。在阅读教学中常用的转换手段有:图片、简笔画、表格、树形图、网络图、流程图、时间线等。





     本节课的阅读材料是一篇采访稿,又记者的6个问题和被采访者(Dr. Ma)的6个回答组成。采访的中心环节就是提出和回答问题(Asking and answering questions)。一般的思维方式是,根据问题来寻找相应的答案。但是,本节课的教学设计却反其道而行之,先呈现被采访者的回答,让学生快速阅读:

     Dr Ma: Blindness affects about 45 million people around the world, mostly in poor countries, and about 80 percent of these cases can be cured or prevented. However, many people do not have the money for medical treatment. ?然后,上课教师再让学生从演记者的立场去思考“要得到这样的答案,我应该提出什么样的问题”。

     Interviewer’s question:

     □Dr. Ma, could you tell us something about blindness?

     □Dr. Ma, how many people have eye problems? ?这样一来,学生要提出正确的问题,就必须看懂这段文字,并准确概括出其锻炼大意,最后从下面两个问题挑选一个正确的。这一个小小的改动,让学生从被动的阅读者转变成了积极主动的思考者。





     本节课的阅读材料是《江苏牛津初中英语》八年级下第五单元中的课文An interview with an ORBIS doctor. 授课对象为初二学生,借班上课。执教教师是江苏省张家港外国语学校朱益春老师。

     Step1. Be a keen reader.

     1. A short interview.

     T: Good morning. It’s my first time being here, I’m very glad to see you guys and I’d like to know something about you. Who is the monitor?

     Ss:?(In chorus)?Jim is.

     M:?(standing up)?I am the monitor.

     T:?(walking to Jim)?Nice to meet you.

     M: Nice to meet you.

     T: Can I ask you some questions?

     M: Sure. Go ahead, please.

     T: How many students are there in the class?

     M: Forty-five.

     T: How many of you are wearing glasses?

     M: Em. Let me see…Thirty.

     T: Oh, The number is very large. Why are you wearing glasses?

     M: Because we can’t see clearly.

     T: Then why do you have eye problems?

     M: Maybe because we watch too much TV.?(Some students are laughing.)

     S1:?(Other students are joining.)?Every day we have to do lots of homework. That’s why we have poor eyesight.

     S2: And some boys just spend too much time playing computer games.?(Students are laughing and feeling less tense.)

     T: So if we don’t use eyes in a right way, we may have eye problems. Now let’s meet a famous eye doctor, Dr Ma. A few days ago, he just helped a poor student with eye problems. Would you like to listen to his story?

     Ss: Yeah.

     T: Now listen carefully.


     2. A short story.

     T: Tom is a poor student, he used to be a?patient?with eye problems. He needs to see a doctor. Now tell me where we can see many patients?

     Ss: In a hospital.

     T: Well done. A patient means a sick person. Now repeat the word after me.

     (Writing ‘patient’ on the blackboard and getting students to read it aloud.)

     T: (Continuing the story) If Tom doesn’t see a doctor immediately, he will become?blind?and can see nothing. What does blind mean? It means?…

     Ss: Can’t see anything.

     T: Right. A blind person can see nothing. And the illness is called?blindness.

     (Writing ‘blindness’ on the blackboard and getting students to read it aloud.)

     T: (Continuing the story) Because of the blindness, he couldn’t do many things, can he read, write or play computer games?

     Ss: No.

     T: So the blindness?affected?his life a lot, and here ‘affect’ means making changes. For example, smoking will make some changes, bad changes to our health, so we can say:

     S: Smoking will affect our health.

     (Writing ‘affect’ on the blackboard and getting students to read it aloud.)

     T: (Continuing the story) Blindness affected Tom’s life a lot, so he needed to go to hospital. But he didn’t have enough money. He couldn’t?afford?to go to hospital. Do you have enough money to go to school?

     S: Yeah.

     T: So we can say…?

     S: We can?afford?to go to school.

     T: Well done, but in some poor areas, some children don’t have enough money to go to school, so we can say…?

     S: They can’t afford to go to school.

     (Writing ‘afford’ on the blackboard and getting students to read it aloud.)

     T: Tom couldn’t afford to go to hospital, so he was sad. Luckily, an eye doctor, Dr. Ma came to him and would like to help him without asking for any money, so we call Dr Ma a?volunteer?doctor. So does a volunteer do a job for money or for free?

     S: For free.

     (Writing ‘volunteer’ on the blackboard and getting students to read it aloud.)

     T: (Continuing the story) Dr. Ma?operated on?Tom, cutting into his eyes and taking away something bad. Here ‘operate’ means that a doctor uses a knife, cut into one’s body and take away something bad. Its noun form is ‘operation’.

     (Writing ‘operate’ and ‘operation’ on the blackboard and getting students to read them aloud.)

     T: Dr Ma performed an operation on Tom, and the operation was very successful. Tom’s blindness was?cured. That’s to say, the operation made his blindness go away. Can he see things clearly now?

     Ss: Yes, he can.

     (Writing ‘cure’ on the blackboard and getting students to read it aloud.)

     T: (Continuing the story) Yeah, he can see things very clearly, and he is very grateful to Dr Ma. This is the story. What do you think of Dr Ma?

     S1: He is very kind.

     S2: He is helpful.

     T: Yeah, I agree with you.


     3. Completing the story.

     T: (Showing the slide) Now let’s see the story again, but some words are missing here. Would you complete the story with the new words? Let’s have a try.



     operation volunteer

     Tom is a student, he used to be a _____ with eye problems. Because of the _____, he couldn’t see anything at all. The illness ______ him a lot and changed his life from bad to worse.

     He didn’t have enough money, and couldn’t ______ to go to hospital. Luckily, a _____doctor, Dr Ma, would like to help him for free. He ______ on him, cutting into his eyes and taking away something bad.

     The _____ was very successful and Tom’s blindness was _____. Now, Tom can see things very clearly. 【设计说明】:用刚学到的生词填空,完成短文,巩固学生对词义的掌握。

     3. Predicting questions.

     T: Do you still remember what I did with your monitor at the beginning of our lesson?

     Ss: You asked our monitor some questions.

     T: Actually, I had a short interview with him. Let’s see the word ‘interview’. (Showing the slide)

     T: The word ‘interview’ is made up of two parts. The first part ‘inter’ means between, from one to another. The part ‘view’ means ideas, opinions. So what does the word mean?

     S1: Share information.

     S2: Exchanging ideas.

     T: In order to exchange ideas, one person has to ask right questions and the other has to answer it properly. So what’s the most important thing in an interview?

     S: Asking right questions.

     T: Now suppose the famous eye doctor is coming to our class. What questions will you ask Dr Ma about protecting your eyes? Discuss in pairs and then tell me your questions.

     (Ss discuss with the partner)

     S1: Dr Ma, why do you want to be a volunteer doctor?

     S2: Dr Ma, what can we do to protect our eyes?

     S3: Dr Ma, I like eating very much. What kind of food is good for our eyes?

     (Ss are laughing)

     T: A good job. You are good interviewers and have asked interesting questions.


     Step2. Be a wise reader.

     T: Here’s an interview with Dr Ma. But the interviewer’s questions are missing. please read the answers quickly and see which question will be asked.

     Answer1:?Blindness affects about 45 million people around the world, mostly in poor countries, and about 80 percent of these cases can be cured or prevented. However, many people do not have the money for medical treatment. Question1:

     □A. Dr. Ma, could you tell us something about blindness?

     □B. Dr. Ma, how many people have eye problems? T: What’s the most important thing in choosing the right question?

     S: Catching the top sentence.

     T: That’s it! The top sentence must be the answer of the interviewer’s question. Let’s see the next one.

     Answer2:?ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit poor countries. On the plane, volunteer doctors perform operations. The plane is also used as a teaching centre. Question2:

     □A. How do doctors visit poor countries?

     □B. How does ORBIS help? T: The word ‘also’ in the last sentence is very useful. Do you know why?

     S: It tells the two things which doctors do to help people in poor countries.

     T: Very good. Let’s move to third one.

     Answer3:?Many of our patients are so poor that they can’t afford to travel to hospital, so we have to go to them. Also, local doctors and nurses can come to our plane to learn about eye operations. We teach them new skills and share our knowledge. They can even watch the operations on video. By training local doctors and nurses, we hope to help even more people. Question3:

     □A. Why are your patients so poor?

     □B. Why does ORBIS need a plane? T: Now can you tell me which word is very useful in find the main idea?

     Ss: ‘Also’!

     T: Well done. You’re learning fast. It tells us the reason why ORBIS needs a plane. Let’s see the fourth paragraph.

     Answer4:?We’re the lucky ones. Modern medicine is developing so quickly that we can treat and cure most eye problems and improve the lives of patients. All we need is enough money to carry on with our work. We hope people will support our work by sending donations to ORBIS. Question4:

     □A. Can medicine cure all eye problems?

     □B. Dr. Ma, what’s your hope? T: What does Dr. Ma try to say here?

     S1: ORBIS needs more help.

     S2: He hopes more money will be donated to ROBIS..

     T: So the right chioce is B. These questionsare very important. They can help us get the main idea of each paragraph. From the the questions, we can also know the interview is about a charity called …?

     Ss: ORBIS!


     Step3. Be a sharp reader.

     1. Logo1:

     T: Right! It is about a charity named ORBIS. Now let’s have a look at its logo (Showing the slide) . This is the first part of the logo, what does it look like?

     Ss: An eye!

     T: Yes. But what else does it look like?

     Ss: The earth?

     T:?Yeah, you’re clever. It means the serious eye problems on the earth. Open your books, read Question1 and Answer 1 and then tell me how serious the eye problems are.

     (Ss are reading Question1 and Answer1)

     T: How serious? The numbers may help you

     (Showing the slide).


     S: Blindness affects about 45 million people around the world, mostly in poor countries.

     T: Can they be cured or prevented? How many of them can be cured or prevented?

     S: Yes, about 80 percent of the cases can be cured or prevented.

     T: Then why don’t they go to hospital?

     S: Because many people have no money for medical treatment.


     2. Logo2:

     T: So much for the first part of the logo, let’s come to the second part. Is there anything different from the first one? (Showing the slide).


     S: In the second one, there is a plane.

     T: Yes, this is the real logo of ORBIS. Why is there a plane here?

     S: It uses a plane to visit poor countries.

     T: Good answer. Actually it’s a flying eye hospital. Now let’s read Question2 and Question 3, and try to complete the following flow chart about ORBIS. (Showing the slide).


     Visit ____ countries

     Perform eye ____

     ____ local doctors

     Teach new ____

     A ____ eye hospital


     ____ more people T:?(After several minutes)?Have you found the answers? Let’s have a check. What kind of hospital is it?

     S: It’s a flying eye hospital.

     T: Right. Why does it use a plane to visit the patients?

     S: It uses a plane to visit poor countries, because many people are so poor that they can’t afford to go to hospital.

     T: Good, and what do they do on the plane?

     S: They perform operations and the plane is also used as a teaching centre to train local doctors and nurses.

     T: Well done. How do they train the local doctors?

     S1: They teach them new skills and share knowledge with them.

     S2: They can even watch operations on video.

     T: Yeah, on the plane, they train local doctors. Have you ever heard of a saying: It’s nice to give a person a fish, but it is better to teach him how to fish?

     Ss: Yes.

     T: By training local doctors and nurses, they can help even more people.


     3. Logo3:

     T: Just now I talked about the logo, and now I add something new to it. Let’s look at it again. (Showing the slide).

     T: Do you think it looks like a circle?

     Ss: Yeah.

     T: But here a small part is missing, what does it mean? It means there are still some places where ORBIS can’t go to help. It needs more help.

     Ss: Oh.

     T: Now read Question6 and its answer and see what they need.

     T: What is needed to carry on with the work?

     S: Enough money is needed.

     T: And what does Dr Ma hope?

     S: He hopes people will support their work by sending donations to ORBIS.

     【设计说明】:大胆地改动了一下logo,奇妙地引出Dr. Ma的希望。

     Step4. Be a critical reader

     T: After reading the interview, we have learnt a lot about ORBIS. But should we believe everything in the interview?

     Ss:?(hesitating a moment)?Maybe not.

     T: It’s important for to be an independent reader, that is to say, we should have our own ideas about what we have read. For example, let’s look at a sentence in the interview:?We hope more people will support us by sending donations to us.

     T: Do you think it is a good way to donate money to ORBIS? If you think it’s a good way, why? And how can we raise more money? If not, why not? Do you have a better way to support it?

     (Ss are discussing in groups.)

     T: What’s your opinion?

     S1: I think it’s a good way to donate money to ORBIS. With more money, theycan improve the lives of the patients and help them.

     S2: And we can advertise on the Internet to let more people know about ORBIS,and then more money will be donated.

     S3: We also can hold a charity show to raise more money.

     S4: I don’t think so. It was reported that the collected money wasn’t used in a right way. Sometimes our donations can’t go to the poor people.

     S5: Maybe when I grow up, I’d like to be volunteer doctor.

     T: ORBIS is a great charity. It helps the blind people see again and takes love around the earth. If more people can give a helping hand, then ORBIS can work better. You can donate some money, or work as a volunteer. Whatever you do, your love will make a difference.


     Step5. Be a cross-cultural reader[2]

     T: What’s Dr. Ma in the interview?

     Ss: He works as a volunteer doctor.

     T: That’s it. Now read Question4, Question 5 and their answers. And then answer me some questions.

     (Students are reading silently.)

     T: For Dr. Ma, is there anything different between working with ORBIS and working in his hospital?

     S1: During his last visit, He operated on 150 patients on the plane. When he worked in a hospital, he used to do only two or three operations a day.

     S2: Dr. Ma feels much more tired when he worked with ORBIS.

     T: Is Dr. Ma unhappy about this?

     S: No. Instead, he’s proud to be able to help so many people.

     T: Yes, although it is very tiring, Dr. Ma is proud to be a volunteer. Volunteer work started in the 1990s in the UK and USA. It’s a new thing in China. In 2008, two big things made it well-known to most Chinese people. What are they?

     S1: In the 2008 Olympic Games, Chinese college students worked as volunteers.

     S2: Also in 2008. A big earthquake happened in Wenchuan. Many Chinese people went there and did volunteer work.

     T: Yes, you’re right. By the way, how many of you have ever worked as a volunteer? If yes, please put up your hands.

     (Only three students put up their hands.)

     T: It’s a pity that only a few of you have worked as a volunteer. Why not? Have a short discussion and list the reasons.

     (Ss are discussing in groups.)

     T: OK, what’s your idea?

     S1: Too much schoolwork, you know. I can’t spare time.

     S2: Maybe I’m too young to be a volunteer.

     S3: Actually, I want to, but I don’t know how to take part in it.

     S4: What we can do are things like cleaning the street, chatting with old people. We have done the same things several times. They are very boring.

     T:It’s meaningful to work as a volunteer. In the future, what kind of volunteer do you want to be? Why?

     (Ss are discussing in groups.)

     S1: I want to be a volunteer in the big events like the Olympic Games.

     S2: If an earthquake or a hurricane happens, I will work as a volunteer.

     S3: I want to be a volunteer to help the old. They’re very lonely, and they need someone to talk to.

     S4: I will help the homeless children. I can go to them and play with them, I’ll share my toys and new books with them.

     (There goes the bell..)

     T: All of you are very warm-hearted. No matter we volunteer to do, our love will make a big difference. Thanks for your cooperation. That’s all for the lesson. Thank you, again. Bye.

     Ss: Bye-bye.



     An interview with an ORBIS doctor

     Interviewer :?Dr. Ma, please tell us something about blindness.

     Dr Ma?: Blindness affects about 45 million people around the world, mostly in poor countries, and about 80 percent of these cases can be cured or prevented. However, many people do not have the money for medical treatment.

     Interviewer :?How does ORBIS help?

     Dr Ma:?ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit poor countries. On the plane, volunteer doctors perform operations. The plane is also used as a teaching centre.

     Interviewer :?Dr. Ma, you said that your work on a plane. Why don’t you work in a hospital?

     Dr Ma:?Many of our patients are so poor that they can’t afford to travel to hospital, so we have to go to them. Also, local doctors and nurses can come to our plane to learn about eye operations. We teach them new skills and share our knowledge. They can even watch the operations on video. By training local doctors and nurses, we hope to help even more people.

     Interviewer :?How many operations do you perform during a visit?

     Dr Ma:?During my last visit, I operated on 150 patients on the plane. When I worked in a hospital, I used to do only two or three operations a day. It’s hard work and we need to work very quickly, but I am used to it.

     Interviewer :?You’ve done such an important job that people must be really grateful to you.

     Dr Ma:?Yes, indeed they are. However, the most important thing for us is that we can help people see again. I’m proud to be able to help so many people.

     Interviewer:?Thank you very much for your time, Dr. Ma. Is there anything else you’d like to say to our readers?

     Dr Ma:?We’re the lucky ones. Modern medicine is?developing?so quickly that we can treat and cure most eye problems and improve the lives of patients. All we need is enough money to carry on with our work. We hope people will support our work by sending donations to ORBIS.

     [1]美国的本杰明?富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)首次在其演讲陈述,后来意大利的玛莉亚?蒙特梭利(Mara Mentessori)在著作中也有所提及。此外,英语中还有一句类似的谚语:I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand。




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