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    时间:2020-08-28 08:56:48 来源:达达文档网 本文已影响 达达文档网手机站

      目 录

     第一章 蓝兔(集团)有限责任公司简介……………………1

      第一节 蓝兔公司背景………………………………….3

      第二节 庆典的目的…………………………………….3

     第二章 预备会议…………………………………………….5

     第三章 庆典前的具体准备内容…………………………….9

     第一节 庆典前的准备………………………………….9

     第二节 庆典文件附件内容…………………………...11

     第四章 庆典前的综合检查………………………………...17

     第一节 庆典当天的综合检查………………………...17

     第二节 庆典的过程…………………………………...17

     第五章 庆典后的整理工作………………………………...19


     绪 论





     第一章 蓝兔(集团)有限责任公司简介

     第一节 蓝兔公司背景


     公司创建以来,随着国家不断发展,企业已同世界接轨,产品不仅遍布全国各地,还远销中东、欧美、东南亚20多个国家和地区。公司以完善的管理,先进的技术,专业的工程设计,不断开发出一批集锻炼、健身、游乐为一体的新产品。产品经权威机构检测认证,产品质量与美观将与世界先进的玩具制造商相媲美,不仅是优质,更有完善的售后服务体系的保证,运输安装检测一体化的服务体系,解决了广大客户的后顾之忧,灵活多样的经营渠道,赢得了广大客户的信赖公司始终秉承质量第一,客户至上,诚信经营的宗旨,力求开发、生产出更好的产品回馈社会“蓝之心”表演 董事长、总经理、各部长 蓝兔公司五号会场 17:30-19:00 晚宴,董事长闭幕词 董事长、总经理、各部长 海旺酒店餐厅 19:00- 休息 海旺酒店客房 11日 全天 送外地宾客、



     请 柬





     联系电话:0551-5561239 联系人:李小姐




     回 执


























     1 开场歌舞 《爱在中秋》扬扬 阿里郎

     2 《但愿人长久》张也

     3 《荷塘月色》凤凰传奇

     4 《我记得我爱过》何润东

     5 《玫瑰玫瑰我爱你》 阿朵《夜来香》海鸣威《一年又一年》弦子

     6 少数民族组曲“欢聚今宵”《月亮》刘一祯《梦中的卓玛》泽旺多吉 高原红《起你的盖头来》 阿鲁阿卓《你》 屠洪纲

     7 《奔》 孙燕姿

     8 《最远的你是我最近的爱》潘安邦 柏文

     9 《在我生命中的每一天》田亮 叶一茜

     10 《倒数》萧亚轩

     11 《一千年以后》 林俊杰

     12 戏曲芭蕾节目“雕刻时光”詹伴芭蕾+京剧《白蛇传·游湖》李洁 (白)盛海宁(许)芭蕾+黄梅戏《天仙配》《夫妻双双把家还》 吴 琼(仙) 汪晓明(董)芭蕾+越剧《梁祝·十八相送》王柔桑(梁)盛舒扬(祝道具 三件徽派木雕 伞

     13 歌曲赵薇

     14 《花雨夜》李晖 徐子崴

     15 《半城山半城水》李娜 曲丹 丁晓红

     16 《徽风皖韵水晶女孩乐坊+南广语言传播系民乐团+模特秀

     17 《千江水》解小东 宁静

     18 《看得最远的地方》张韶涵(台湾)一女表演鸠兹



     第四章 庆典前综合检查

     第一节 庆典当天的综合检查







     第二节 庆典的过程

     1、8:30—9:00 总经理王哲和秘书李倩以及各部长在公司门口迎接前来参加庆典的宾客,并有工作人员引导宾客在3号会议室进行等待,并由本公司的部长应酬,与之进行交流。

     2、9:00—11:30 等宾客到齐,由董事长、王哲总经理和秘书以及各部长陪同一起参观公司。

     3、11:30—13:30 由公司的专用巴士5辆送宾客前往海旺酒店参加午宴,并由董事长发表开幕词。

     4、13:30—14:30 安排宾客在海旺酒店午休。

     5、14:30—15:30 由公司的巴士接宾客前往公司的五楼会场观看“蓝之心”的表演。

     6、17:30—19:00 安排宾客在海旺酒店晚宴,董事长发表闭幕词,庆典结束。


     第五章 庆典后的整理工作








     时间:11月13日 9:00

















     《商务秘书教程》杨光汉 王瑞成主编 北京科学出版社,2008

     《办公室事务管理执行标准》张浩编著 蓝天出版社2006

     《应用文书写作》主编杨忠慧 吴晓林 中国财政经济出版社2004

     videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding issues, obviously worked," victory of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the "guanghui is gold and silver" green development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well "five water treatment of" winning the war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will "river water quality improved at the county level, up to five" this basic objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, "clear rivers" reaching the County created. Organization "look back" special inspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is "Dragnet" investigation, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the "one-stop strategy", improving the inferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve "effluent from sewage treatment rate, running accuracy, compliance" requirement, speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home "last meters" question. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the "Sun" problem. Third, pay special attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to "dig up mud", as the deepening water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the "one river one policy" requires detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud "way out", according to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of

     videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding issues, obviously worked," victory of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the "guanghui is gold and silver" green development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well "five water treatment of" winning the war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will "river water quality improved at the county level, up to five" this basic objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, "clear rivers" reaching the County created. Organization "look back" special inspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is "Dragnet" investigation, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the "one-stop strategy", improving the inferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve "effluent from sewage treatment rate, running accuracy, compliance" requirement, speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home "last meters" question. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the "Sun" problem. Third, pay special attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to "dig up mud", as the deepening water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the "one river one policy" requires detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud "way out", according to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of

     treatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years action plans", requirements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project "Trinity" environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross Yang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation "strong library" "solid di" "spread row" engineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problem. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the "three to split" operation time is over three years, but "three to split" must continue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and "no unauthorised" created

     treatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years action plans", requirements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project "Trinity" environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross Yang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation "strong library" "solid di" "spread row" engineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problem. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the "three to split" operation time is over three years, but "three to split" must continue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and "no unauthorised" created1

     videoconference, Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stressed: this year is the "five water treatment" "357" timetables "for three years to resolve outstanding issues, obviously worked," victory of the year. The County's departments at all levels must firmly establish the "guanghui is gold and silver" green development concept, convinced that Castle is not relaxed, always maintaining strategic ability and strong determination to improve the environment, consistently playing well "five water treatment of" winning the war, ever-higher levels of comprehensive well-off society was built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. This year we will "river water quality improved at the county level, up to five" this basic objective grasp of pollution control that focus, with the focus on three things: a good job, "clear rivers" reaching the County created. Organization "look back" special inspection, the County garbage River, black and odorous River is "Dragnet" investigation, timely rectification of problems found in place firmly to prevent river pollution rebound. In accordance with the "one-stop strategy", improving the inferior five water quality monitoring stations work this year to ensure the Elimination of 1 provincial control, five water quality section 3 municipalities controlled deterioration, ensure the creation this year of "clear rivers" standards. Second, pay special attention to pollution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Intercepting nanotubes are the basis of pollution of water source engineering, engineering, matter of success or failure of water management. Urban sewage treatment, to improve "effluent from sewage treatment rate, running accuracy, compliance" requirement, speed up the town's support network construction, is focusing on nanotubes home "last meters" question. Domestic sewage treatment in rural areas, this year is the final year of the three-year action, determination to fight and the momentum around, ending the battle on which fully to ensure the realization of all County 648 formed village coverage. Also, be sure to attach importance to focus on rural domestic wastewater treatment facility operation and management, ensure that wastewater treatment facility up and running, role play, avoid the "Sun" problem. Third, pay special attention to the River Lake pond desilting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution control of water go to "dig up mud", as the deepening water of this year's "plays". Next, to jump-start an investigation line touches work, implementation plan according to the priorities and the programme of work, in accordance with the "one river one policy" requires detailed cleaning, dredging plan, planning ahead of time cleaning out mud "way out", according to local conditions to do sludge, promote scientific resource utilization of silt and mud. (B) the heavy regulation of heavily polluting industries. Pollution of water must grab the source, wastewater is primarily the source of backward production capacity, increase the intensity of

     treatment of heavily polluting industries. According to municipal, and municipal government deployment of seven big heavy pollution industry regulation "three years action plans", requirements to December 2016 end of Qian, all included shut stopped eliminated of enterprise all shut stopped eliminated in place; June 30, 2017 Qian, all included place regulation upgrade and agglomeration restructuring of enterprise by unified standard regulation in place, late not standard of enterprise are implementation discontinued; June 30, 2018 Qian, all intends Park production of enterprise relocation Park in place, late not Park of are discontinued. In the process of renovation, will focus on four aspects: to firmly close the high energy consumption and heavy pollution, hopeless enterprise governance and production lines, eliminated a number of yearly emission intensity, low value-added products of backward production capacity. Second, we must strictly enforce the space, total project "Trinity" environment access system, promoting industry access and environmental conditions of access of enterprises to the Park, industrial park, in principle, no longer the class on the new project. Thirdly, promoting replacement and reconstruction of heavily polluting industries, mergers and reorganizations, guide enterprises to energy conservation, recycling and low-carbon and clean production, and improve the level of green development. Four to establish a long-term supervision mechanism, increase the intensity of special inspections, investigate and punish the rectification is not in place, normal business of running anti-pollution installations do not. (Iii) linkage to promote flood control water, drainage, water supply, improving water saving. Speed up cross Yang support river dike reinforcement, and along Pu seawall except insurance reinforcement, and Lake Qian sluice, and BA Cao sluice, and cloud cover reservoir, focus flood control drainage engineering construction, vigorously implementation "strong library" "solid di" "spread row" engineering, increased geological disaster hidden points governance efforts, solid advance small basin torrent disaster governance, efforts from essentially solution basin sex, and regional flood control drainage capacity insufficient of problem. Vigorously implement the piers, algae and other water sources protection and, promoting rural drinking water safety projects, setting up water pricing reform and environmental protection mechanism, guiding water depth. Further soil pollution and repair, strengthen agricultural non-point source pollution prevention, mountain, water, forests, fields, lakes, various elements mutual long. Four, manage to tighten control, to play "three to split" battle. Xia Baolong, Secretary of provincial party Committee stressed that while the "three to split" operation time is over three years, but "three to split" must continue to catch on, and resolve a split cannot be changed. All localities and departments to the village and "no unauthorised" created

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